The FBCA and stakeholders from the cremation and funeral profession across the UK are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cremations and finding greener alternatives.
In this effort, the Westerleigh Group is proud to announce that when their latest Crematorium located at Strait Mile, Babworth, Retford, Nottinghamshire (Babworth Crematorium) opens in August, it will be the first Crematorium in the UK equipped with NOx Abatement Plant, further demonstrating Westerleigh’s commitment to maintaining the highest levels of Environmental protection across its Crematoria operations.
Following the agreement from the local council, Redditch Crematorium installed two new cremators and associated mercury abatement equipment in 2013.
The heat being recovered as part of this secondary process would normally be dissipated to the atmosphere via the air blast cooler and as a result, could contribute to climate change.
A number of cremation authorities have now installed this equipment and are reusing this recoverable waste heat to heat the buildings. However, this only uses a small percentage of the waste heat available and, in the case of Redditch crematorium, requires a change to the heating system from electric to gas.
The introduction of electric cars is something which seems to have been taking place for years!
However, it appears that in recent years the growth in electric car sales is gaining traction, whilst only around 500 electric cars were registered per month during the first half of 2014, this has now risen to an average of 5,000 per month during 2018 – almost 60,000 in a year.
Visual impact is the first impression on any customer in any environment, a clean tidy well-kept environment goes a long way to giving a good first impression of any cemetery or crematorium.
Ensuring high standards of grounds maintenance requires the use of machinery powered by internal combustion engines, both petrol and diesel, using fossil fuels, producing carbon dioxide and creating noise pollution.
An innovative new scheme to recycle large floral tributes following cremation is in its infancy at Wigan Crematorium.
Wigan Council’s bereavement services have partnered with a local business ‘V K Precious Memorials’ to find an alternative solution to landfill for the large floral tributes.
Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.