Members will recall that in the March monthly briefing a survey was carried out on the format the 2020 FBCA Annual Report should take, paper or electronic. The Annual Report outlines the organisation’s activities during the previous year, which in turn, informs the debate and votes at the Annual General Meeting. The Federation recognises the need to do more for the environment; using significant quantities of paper to produce the report is not the most sustainable option when there are far more efficient electronic alternatives.
Members have confirmed they share this view; the survey resulted with X% of responders agreeing with the statement ‘Do you agree the Federation should move to an electronic Annual Report?’. 76% agreed that they would ‘like there to be a facility to download and print the Annual Report’ and 85% agreed they would ‘want to receive the report via email once published’.
In view of the survey results, the 2020 Annual Report will be produced electronically and emailed direct to Members. A small number of paper copies will be produced for those requiring a paper version, these need to be booked via email.
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