BRAMM are pleased to announce the appointment of Yvonne Colverson to the new position of BRAMM Executive Officer, effective immediately.
Yvonne has worked as a Senior Advisor and Induction Support Officer with ‘The Society of Local Council Clerks’ and has an in-depth knowledge of Cemetery Management, legislation and best practice within the industry.
Yvonne has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) and has also worked as a BRAMM Board Member for a number of years.
Due to exponential growth in BRAMM registered companies, fixers and burial authorities, we have taken the decision to appoint a national Executive Officer who will manage BRAMM services and provide legal and procedural advice and support to Burial Authorities. The position will also further develop BRAMM’s presence within the industry by working closely with UK Burial Authority organisations and providing appropriate training and best practice advice to Memorial Masons. Phil Potts will remain as BRAMM Development Officer working alongside Yvonne, creating a very strong experienced team.
We would like to wish Yvonne success in her new role to support the ambitious plans of BRAMM to continue to improve standards within the industry.
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