On the 23rd July 2019 the Government launched the Children’s Funeral Fund. The scheme enables funeral providers to directly claim burial or cremation costs, as well as a contribution towards the cost of a coffin, so that parents do not need to worry about managing these expenses. Parents can also claim directly from the scheme if they choose not to use a funeral director.
The scheme is available regardless of a family’s income, and will cover costs for children under 18 and stillbirths after the 24th week of pregnancy. Further details from when the fund was announced can be found here, and information on how to use the scheme is available here: https://www.gov.uk/child-funeral-costs
Rather than charge family certain burial and cremation related fees Cremation and Burial authorities are able to claim these back from Children’s’ Funeral Fund, and some are now doing so.
During the development of the scheme there was some concern relating to the services that would be included and if there would be an impact on what families would chose. The services included in the scheme are set out in the ‘The Children’s Funeral Fund For England – Technical Guidance’, find it here: CFF Technical Guidance.
As the Federation Secretary, Brendan day, will be attending a meeting with the Ministry of Justice in January 2020 it would be useful to hear from members any views they have concerning the experience. Especially if they have made claims, was the experience good or bad? Are there any other services that should be included within the scheme?
Can you please email any views you have to [email protected]
Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.