Environmental Commitment Policy

24th November 2020 | Environmental Issues

The growing recognition of the pressures on the environment has led to 70% of local authorities declaring a climate emergency. As a result cremation authorities in the public sector are increasingly having to develop new ways of working to make a contribution to their councils environmental targets. In support of these efforts and those being made in the private sector, the Federation are proposing the adoption by members of an Environmental Commitment Policy. The adoption of this policy will be a clear demonstration of the commitment by the Cremation Authority to not only reduce the negative impact of cremation, but also seek ways to enhance the benefits that can be provided to the wider environment through engaging with key local stakeholders and suppliers.


A new section of the Crematorium Compliance Scheme, agreed by the National Executive Committee at its last meeting, will focus on environmental matters at crematorium and will be linked to the Environmental Commitment Policy.


The Environmental Commitment Policy will be discussed by the National Executive Committee of the Federation at its meeting on the 14th December 2020 and they would welcome contributions and thoughts from Federation Members, which can be made here by no later that the 10th December.


View the policy here.

Facultatieve Technologies

Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.
