The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have concluded and published their review of crematoria provision and facilities.
The aim of the review was as follows:
“We are carrying out a review of crematoria provision and facilities to establish whether they are suitable to meet the demand and cultural requirements of all communities.
The review is being carried out in response to concerns about the capacity of crematoria, in particular to accommodate Hindu and Sikh cremations at which traditionally larger numbers of mourners wish to attend. In addition, there have been concerns that crematoria do not always pay sufficient regard to the cultural sensitivities of different faiths.
We want to use this review to establish whether the concerns that have been raised are widespread. We are therefore seeking the views of all faith communities and users of crematoria, whether they are of a faith or none.
We are also seeking views from the providers of crematoria, including local authorities and the private sector, as well as the Local Government Association and industry representative bodies. The government will publish a summary of responses in due course and consider whether any policy changes are needed in light of the evidence received.”
To see the full discussion paper, go to their website.
Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.