Update: Guidance on Managing a Funeral

17th May 2021 | COVID-19 Guidance

Public Health England and the Department of Health & Social Care have issued updated guidance for managing a funeral during the coronavirus pandemic. This revised guidance applies in England from 17 May 2021.

This has been updated in line with the following amendments:

  • Move from capacity limit of 30 at a funeral to no numerical maximum but rather limits defined by the risk assessment of the venue, based on enabling social distancing between attendees including staff
  • Changes to social distancing advice to reflect the move to  risk based approach for individuals
  • Organisers therefore need to enable social distancing as opposed to ensuring social distancing and this should be reflected in seating arrangements
  • clinically extremely vulnerable people are able to attend funerals and should take the risks into their own hands
  • Commemorative events increasing to 30 people
  • Changes to singing advice
  • Changes to enforcement advice including removal of reference to a £10,000 fixed penalty notice as a means of enforcement for high attendance at a funeral


You can read the updated guidance here.

Facultatieve Technologies

Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.
