The Crematorium Compliance Scheme was introduced by the Federation in 2019 building on the visits which the Federation has undertaken for many years. Building on the results of the membership survey the format of the new scheme was developed to offer regular, more formal inspections. Whilst it was necessary to curtail visits during the pandemic, the number of crematoria visited has continued to climb with more than 60 sites being visited during 2021, from Jersey to Aberdeen. The current number of inspections being carried strongly suggests that the target of visiting all members at least once every 5 years will be met.
The number of areas covered by the compliance inspection, 6 sections covering different areas of service delivery touches on over 60 specific points of interest. To ensure this information could be gathered, collated and presented in an efficient manner, working with our partners Assettrac we developed a digital solution allowing the information to be gathered via tablet, analysed and presented in a manner which provides valuable insights into the members service delivery.
Building on the success of the Compliance Scheme format a seventh section was added with a series of environmental questions to provide members with an indication of the various steps they could be taking to make their facility more sustainable. The questions were developed with the support of our partners the CDS Group and cover a number of areas relating to the impact of a crematorium on the environment. The Environmental Awareness Report is producing a valuable insight into the sector and the results of the inspections will provide a baseline from which to seek improvements.
Having gathered a substantial amount of data, the Crematorium Compliance Scheme Working Group will be reviewing the results of the past year; looking to see how the scheme can be developed, which questions deliver insights and which ones not so much and may need to be removed. In this respect, the Working Group would welcome the views of members – what they would like to see included and which areas to be covered by the questions. If you have any thoughts, please contact the secretary.
Facultatieve Technologies (FT) with 145 years of experience in cremation is the international market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of cremation and filtration equipment.